Four more days till school starts. The first day of Term 1 is Thursday, 31st January 2019.
1) Have you enrolled?
Enrolments are currently open, and enrolment forms can be downloaded by clicking the following link:

2) Have you got your school uniform sorted?
The school office will be open on Wednesday from 10am to midday for uniform purchases.
3) Stationary is sorted!
We will provide all students with the stationary needed throughout the school year. All families are charged $40 for stationary and this ensures that all students will be equiped with quality stationary at all times in the year.
4) Have you enrolled for the school Bus?
There are limited spaces available on the bus and if you would like to use the School Bus Service, please contact our Bus driver, Debbie for more information: 022 128 0894
5) All done? Now you can just relax and enjoy the last few days with your child/ren!