An Modern Adaptation of The Pilgrims Progress.
Last night, our students were outstanding in their performance. The Incredible Journey is a story about the faith journey that we are all on. This incredible journey is one of perseverance, faithfulness, trust, and hope.
Every choice we make leads us along a path, and every path we take leads us either closer to God or further away from Him. We will encounter all manners of trials and tribulations on our journey, but eternal life awaits those who persevere and hold firm to faith in Christ. It is only in the words of hope and the promises we find hidden in Gods word that give us the strength and courage needed to persevere.
“God showed his love for us in this way, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
“If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts.”
“Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ, not death, not life, not angels or powers-“
“God will never leave you nor forsake you.”
The choir performed a number of inspirational songs that encouraged Christian along the journey. It is these words of encouragement that help Christian to overcome the fear, the doubt, and the hopelessness that can creep into our hearts and minds.
As you continue along the path set out for you, hold fast to His promises and trust that He will give you the strength you need
along your journey. And then one day, you can stand and bow before His Heavenly throne, saying, “Father! My King and my God!”